
Our purpose is simple; make sellers more money. We have some uncommon ideas on how to do that, but first, we’re getting you access to your hard-earned commission before payday.

How it works

  1. Sign up for our waitlist.
  2. Once we launch, we’ll reach out to learn about you and your badass sales career.
  3. When you’re invited to the beta, you tell us how much cash you need.
  4. Enjoy the beauty of no hard credit checks or paperwork.
  5. Pay us back when you get your bonus. No interest.

Who are we?

Sellers are a rare breed. We take risks, we grow, we push ourselves to the limit. At our best we’re entrepreneurial masterminds and at our worst we’re cold blooded revenue machines.

Above all is the omnipotent quota. It is the great certainty. There is no escaping it. To be among the best, you must embrace it.

To conquer quota is the greatest feat of any seller. After a hard fought battle, we deserve a swift reward. Sadly, our organizations and our HR and our payroll team make it as hard as possible for us to celebrate. Because of them, we suffer from pay delay.

We are just a bunch of high performers that got sick of waiting around for our commission check. Our pay was delayed a full two months after EOQ. That two month wait killed us. We missed out on life changing investment opportunities, couldn’t gamble on sure things, had to push wedding payments, missed out on ski trips with the boys.

Financial institutions didn’t get it. We already earned this money, we were waiting for everyone else to catch up.

So now we’re solving that problem for you. We’re building a super app for sellers and we’re starting with the thing sellers care about most . . . money!

We hope you’ll join the cause.